This is my "self-centered" journey. Please keep your hands and feet inside the ride at all times, things can get a little bumpy!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Eat, Pray, Love

I finally invested in this book. After all the things I have heard from so many people, I finally just broke down and bought well spent! I already can't put it down. I relate to this woman so much in some ways, the things she talks about, the way she sees her life, what she WANTS! I get where she is coming from and I see the necessity of her year abroad. Can't wait to read more!

As for my goals for January, I have to say, I have not been perfect, but I have been a solid C+... I found this excellent and it is a bunch of free Hatha Yoga classes, guided meditations and breathing exercises...I did it every day last week except for Friday (craziness at my house) and I felt great! It was the first time in my life I have not had to force myself to do something. Usually when I do an exercise I have to talk myself into it. I always feel good after, but I have to convince myself to do it...with the yoga, I looked forward to it all I will for sure be keeping that up in the weeks to come.

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to SITS! It's great to have you in the SITStahood!
